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01 什么是探究型問題(Probing Question)?

探究型問題的本質是要求對某一特定事項提供更多細節。它們通常是某一個問題的后續問題,如:Could you tell me more about that? 或 Please explain what you mean. 探究型問題是為了澄清一個觀點或幫助你了解問題的根源,這樣你就知道如何最好地推進銷售工作。


在這種情況下,簡單地問:tell me about your biggest challenges with your current solution,顯然是不夠的。你必須用后續問題進行探究,讓你的潛在客戶有信心分享他們面臨的真正障礙。



02 銷售探測問題

  1. How can we help?
  2. Could you please give me some background on this?
  3. Why are you seeking to do this work/project/engagement?
  4. Why isn’t this particular service/product/situation/issue working for you right now?
  5. Can you tell me more about the present situation/problem?
  6. How long has it been an issue/problem?
  7. How long have you been thinking about this?
  8. How is it impacting your organization/customers/staff?
  9. How much is the issue/problem costing you in time/money/resources/staff/energy?
  10. How much longer can you afford to have the problem go unresolved?
  11. When you went to your existing supplier and shared your frustrations about this problem, what reassurances did they give you that it wouldn’t be repeated?
  12. How did these problems/issues first come about? What were the original causes?
  13. How severe is the problem?
  14. Why do you think the issue/problem has been going on for so long?
  15. When do you need the issue/problem fixed?
  16. What kind of return or payoff will you be looking for if you get a successful resolution of the problem?
  17. How often do you think the problem has come up where you weren’t even aware of it?
  18. Who is ultimately responsible for this?
  19. Tell me more about it.
  20. Can you make an educated guess as to how much it costs you?
  21. Why have you been dealing with this for so long?
  22. Why do you think it is happening?
  23. What’s your role in this situation/issue/problem?
  24. What bothers you the most about this situation/issue/problem?
  25. What are you currently doing to address the problem?
  26. What have you done in the past to address the problem?
  27. Have you used this type of product/service in the past?
  28. Does this affect other parts of the business?
  29. What has prevented you from fixing this in the past?
  30. What kind of timeframe are you working in to fix this?
  31. How long have you been thinking about it?
  32. Who else is aware of it?
  33. What is it costing you?
  34. What is your strategy to fix this problem?
  35. Who supports this action?
  36. Is this problem causing other problems?
  37. What practical options do you have to address this?
  38. What kind of pressure is this causing you and the business?
  39. Does your competition have these problems?
  40. What goals and objectives do you have for this?
  41. What is your biggest challenge with this?
  42. What has made you want to look into this now?
  43. In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen with this?
  44. What are your key objectives with this?
  45. What options are you currently looking at?
  46. What options have you tried?
  47. What do you like about your current supplier?
  48. What kind of timeframe are you working within?
  49. How important is this need (on a scale of 1-10)?
  50. What is the biggest problem that you are facing with this?

(來源:紅板磚開發信) 以上內容屬作者個人觀點,不代表雨果網立場!本文經原作者授權轉載,轉載需經原作者授權同意。



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