對于亞馬遜賣家來說,“跟賣”這個詞一定不陌生,尤其是對于正規賣家來說,最惡心不過的事兒就是養大了的寶貝被跟賣了。現在,已經有不少針對跟賣的措施辦法了,但不論是test buy、零計劃,還是透明計劃,或多或少都有優劣勢,哪怕是現在將要把賣家信息公開的做法,如果是被用買來的帳號跟賣,同樣也無法解決根本問題。
(August _____, 2020
Re: Cease and Desist for Violation of 你的公司名稱.’s Valuable and Proprietary Rights and Tortious Interference by ____跟賣者公司名稱/店鋪名稱呼______________________
To Whom It May Concern:
你的公司名稱operates a storefront on Amazon.com (collectively referred to as “你的店鋪名稱”). We are writing to you to DEMAND that your Company ___跟賣者公司名稱/店鋪名稱_________ IMMEDIATELY CEASE AND DESIST from conduct which constitutes serious violations of你的店鋪名稱’s valuable and proprietary rights and TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE with its commercial activity through our Amazon.com storefront.
A. Background
你的店鋪名稱 is an Internet sales and marketing organization, in association with Amazon.com. 你的店鋪名稱 sells and markets merchandise through Amazon.com storefront.
In its promotion and advertisement of such services, 你的店鋪名稱 uses the mark and its numerous proprietary product brands, which is currently the subject of US Trademark and Copyright protection, in additional to contractual protection through Amazon.com.(collectively, the “你的店鋪名稱 Marks”). 你的店鋪名稱 has expended substantial resources in establishing, developing, and promoting the 你的店鋪名稱 Marks, as well as its reputation as a leading provider of merchandise and services.
你的店鋪名稱 has developed its business model as a whole, according to, and to ensure compliance with, the federal copyright and trademark laws, and its contractual relationship with Amazon.com, pertaining to sale of its products and services.
B. Violation of你的店鋪名稱’s Valuable Rights
Recently, 你的店鋪名稱became aware of the listing of your products on our exclusive, branded and proprietary listing on Amazon.com.
The current manner which your Company has listed and hyperlinked your sales website/storefront on Amazon.com has intercepted (i.e. “Hijacked”) sales of你的店鋪名稱’s products and services.
C. Violations of 你的店鋪名稱’s Terms of Use through Amazon.com
你的店鋪名稱’s storefront on Amazon.com, expressly prohibit conduct of the type undertaken by your Amazon.com storefront: 跟賣者的店鋪鏈接________________________________.
Your Company prohibited and shall not insert, list or display any interactive hyperlink or other listing on the __你的店鋪名稱store front name_________at Amazon.com.
Further, users may not use any ‘bot’ or other automated repetitive or interactive mechanism or the like to gain any sort of benefit from你的店鋪名稱Amazon store front or any of its business affiliates.
The product listing of _________________________________________ hyperlink on the 你的店鋪名稱 storefront on Amazon.com has the capability to enable confusing and deceptive searches of 你的店鋪名稱’s products and services. This activity constitutes a clear violation of 你的店鋪名稱’s trademark, copyright and results in tortuous interference.
Not only has your Company created a hyperlink to your storefront on Amazon.com on你的店鋪名稱’s storefront page, you have diverted and enabled individuals to purchase identical merchandise in a confusing fashion through你的店鋪名稱’s storefront, a practice expressly prohibited in你的店鋪名稱’s Terms of Use through Amazon.com.
Additionally, your Company is encouraging Customers to violate these Terms of Use. Thus, your conduct constitutes breach of contract, as well as tortuous interference with the sale contracts 你的店鋪名稱 has established with users of its website storefront.
你的店鋪名稱 has identified your violation of the Amazon.com terms of service and violation of its proprietary rights. The violation is listed in “Schedule A” attached hereto.
2. Infringement of the你的店鋪名稱Marks
As you may be aware, trademark laws prohibit the use of proprietary marks in a manner that is “likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive.” 15 U.S.C. * 1114(1)(a).
By creating an association between your storefront and 你的店鋪名稱’s storefront on Amazon.com, you are causing confusion as to the ownership of the storefront and true vendor identity on Amazon.com.
3. Tortious Interference and Unfair Competition
The hyperlink of your Company’s website and Amazon.com storefront on你的店鋪名稱’s storefront permits unauthorized direct access to你的店鋪名稱’s Amazon.com storefront and interferes with你的店鋪名稱’s sale and marketing activity.
Your Company is tortiously interfering with contractual relationships between你的店鋪名稱and its current and potential customers, and engaging in unfair competition. Your Company’s acts constitute tortuous interference with 你的店鋪名稱’s relationships with its customers. 你的店鋪名稱 has paid substantial consideration to advertise products and services on Amazon.com. This activity jeopardizes 你的店鋪名稱’s ability to generate sales revenue for its site in the future.
C. Immediate Action Required
你的店鋪名稱DEMANDS that you immediately remove the product listing, your hyperlink, marketing information and cease all sales on or through the 你的店鋪名稱 storefront with Amazon.com.
You must respond to us in writing no later than 6:00 p.m. EST on __________, August 5, 2020.
你的店鋪名稱has notified its attorney and Amazon.com concerning the matter.
If this matter is not resolved promptly, 你的店鋪名稱will take any and all necessary steps, including retaining legal counsel for filing of suit, to protect and vindicate its valuable rights. We consider the actions of your organization to be a serious violation of law. 你的店鋪名稱will seek any and all damages (including lost sales and profits), its legal expenses and costs.
Very truly yours,
CEO, 你公司名稱
cc:律師名稱 to你公司名稱; Amazon.com
Schedule A
你公司名稱Product Brand:
你公司名稱Store Front Name:
你公司名稱Store Product Listing:
Follower Shop Name:
Follower StoreLink:)