判別的方式是確認發件人的郵箱地址是否是 “人名@who.int”。如果在“@”符號后的內容不是“who.int”,則表明該郵件不是WHO發的。
WHO提出在接到前上述可以電子郵件后,必須要確認發件人的郵箱地址。譬如,WHO不會從以“@who.com”、“@who.org”或“@ who-safety.org”結尾的地址發送電子郵件。
1. WHO不會要求你登錄查看安全信息,
2. WHO不會以電子郵件的形式向你發送未曾要求的鏈接。
3. WHO不會要求你訪問官方網站(www.who.int)及官方社交媒體賬號(例如本微博賬號)以外的鏈接;
4. WHO不會以付費的形式進行職位申請、會議注冊或酒店預定;
5. WHO不會以電子郵件的形式進行抽獎、獎品贈送、津貼補助、證書或資金的頒發。
6. 請警惕不法分子通過電子郵件、網站、電話、短信和傳真進行的詐騙行為。
Beware of criminals pretending to be WHO
Criminals are disguising themselves as WHO to steal money or sensitive information. If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be from WHO, verify their authenticity before responding.
The World Health Organization will:
never ask you to login to view safety information
never email attachments you didn’t ask for
never ask you to visit a link outside of www.who.int
never charge money to apply for a job, register for a conference, or reserve a hotel
never conduct lotteries or offer prizes, grants, certificates or funding through email
never ask you to donate directly to emergency response plans or funding appeals.
Beware that criminals use email, websites, phone calls, text messages, and even fax messages for their scams.
You can verify if communication is legit by contacting WHO directly.
Contact WHO
Report a scam
Phishing: malicious emails appearing to be from WHO
WHO is aware of suspicious email messages attempting to take advantage of the 2019 novel coronavirus emergency. This fraudulent action is called phishing.
These “Phishing” emails appear to be from WHO, and will ask you to:
give sensitive information, such as usernames or passwords
click a malicious link
open a malicious attachment.
Using this method, criminals can install malware or steal sensitive information. How to prevent phishing:
1. Verify the sender by checking their email address.
Make sure the sender has an email address such as ‘person@who.int’ If there is anything other than ‘who.int’ after the ‘@’ symbol, this sender is not from WHO.
WHO does not send email from addresses ending in ‘@who.com’ , ‘@who.org’ or ‘@who-safety.org’ for example.
2. Check the link before you click.
Make sure the link starts with ‘https://www.who.int’. Better still, navigate to the WHO website directly, by typing ‘https://www.who.int’ into your browser.
3. Be careful when providing personal information.
Always consider why someone wants your information and if it is appropriate. There is no reason someone would need your username & password to access public information.
4. Do not rush or feel under pressure.
Cybercriminals use emergencies such as 2019-nCov to get people to make decisions quickly. Always take time to think about a request for your personal information, and whether the request is appropriate.
5. If you gave sensitive information, don’t panic.
If you believe you have given data such as your username or passwords to cybercriminals, immediately change your credentials on each site where you have used them.
6. If you see a scam, report it.
If you see a scam, tell us about it.
Subject: Be careful about criminals target companies using concerns about the coronavirus epidemic
Hi [name],
Criminals are using concerns about the coronavirus epidemic to spread infections of their own. They are forging emails mentioning the outbreak that appear to be from business partners in an effort to get users to open the messages, unleashing malware.
They are even disguising themselves as WHO to steal money or sensitive information. If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be from WHO, verify their authenticity before responding.
Here are two helpful links/articles from WHO and The Wall Street Journal:
1. https://www.who.int/about/communications/cyber-security
2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hackers-target-companies-with-fake-coronavirus-warnings-11583267812
We will be very careful about this, especially for something important or related to payment, we will double-check or even triple-check for in order to make sure both of us are in a safe situation financially.
Regards, [signature]
開發信中提到的2個鏈接都是非常權威且著名的網站(WHO官網 和 華爾街日報),所以他們在點擊時也不會有太多的顧慮。(來源:紅板磚開發信)