例1:Controller for injection mold
此發明涉及為生產滑板滑輪的注塑膜具,膜具內設置有一控制器,用于接受膜具內的溫度數據以計算固化完成的程度,當固化完成至理想狀態時打開膜具。Claim 1: A controller for an injection molding apparatus having a mold defining a cavity for receiving uncured polyurethane that is heated to form a molded article during a cycle of operation of the appartus, the controller configured to:(a) Repeatedly obtain measurements of the temperature of a mold;(b) Calculate an extent of curing completion of polyurethane in the mold using theobtained temperatures and the Arrhenius equation; and(c) Determine the extent that the polyurethane is cured as a percentage.美國專利審查員的駁回理由:第一,權1中引用了“Arrhenius equation” 阿倫尼烏斯公式,是瑞典的阿倫尼烏斯所創立的化學反應速率常數隨溫度變化關系的經驗公式。審查員認為構成Step 2A中的自然法則(laws of nature)和計算溫度變化的數學概念(abstract idea);第二,權1中的步驟(a)僅溫度數據的收集,這是控制器非常常規的作用;第三,權1中披露的其他技術特征,并未significantly more than 上述溫度變化關系的阿倫尼烏斯公式。因此,權1缺乏可專利的客體,Claim 1 is ineligible,從而被駁回。策略注:在權利要求中,謹慎引用已知的數據公式。
例2:Life Sciences & Data Processing
Claim 1: A system for monitoring health and activity in daily livestock animals comprising:a memory;a display; anda processor coupled to the memory programmed with executable instructions, the instructions including a livestock interface for obtaining animal-specific information, wherein the animal-specific information comprises animal identification data and at least one of body position data, body temperature data, feeding behavior data, and movement pattern data; and a monitoring component for(a) Comparing the obtained animal-specific information with animal information from a herd database to verify an animal’s identity, and(b) Analyzing the obtained animal-specific information to identify whether the animal is exhibiting an aberrant behavior pattern as compared to past behavior of the animal, and(c) Displaying the analysis results for the animal on the display.美國專利審查員的駁回理由:第一, monitoring component的工作內容描述中,限制(a)和限制(b),“comparing the obtained animalspecific information with animal information from a herd database to verify the animal’s identity,” and“analyzing the obtained animal-specific information to identify whether the animal is exhibiting an aberrant behavioral pattern as compared to past behavior of the animal.”這個comparison是基于人類大腦中運行的觀察和分析活動,比如,以牧群的一只小牛為例,觀察到這只小牛今天只吃了15磅的草料,但是在herd database中小牛一般要吃掉20~25磅的草料,評估到小牛今天反常的進食行為,因此這個觀察和評估行為實際上是在人類大腦中運行的(human mind), 是一種心理活動(mental thought processes), 構成抽象概念的司法例外情況,第二, 這階段的分析在于是否權利要求作為一個整體引用了更多的顯著多于上述司法例外情況的技術特征。審查員認為memory\display\processor只是披露上述司法例外的應用環境,不構成新創性的技術特征。其他描述例如the livestock interface\limitation(c)也只屬于公知的非重要的額外特征。
因此,從整體分析權1的技術特征,Claim 1 is ineligible,從而被駁回。
1. 在撰寫專利的權利要求在過程中,可根據最新的美國審查員審理思路,避免使用高敏感詞匯;
2. 權利要求中重點描述本專利的技術環境;
3. 權利要求中重點描述具體的硬件設施;
4. 減少描述涉及到人類的心理活動描述,例如做實驗的步奏,合約,交易,廣告....等等
5. 權利要求中避免使用數學公式名稱,減少使用數學公式。