關注我們的賣家都知道,前幾天我們有提醒千萬不要讓別的代理幫你進行墨西哥增值稅預扣申報,因為墨西哥稅局告訴我們這是不合規的,但是有賣家不太理解稅法邏輯,在這個視頻里,給到大家一個清晰的思路,為什么境外跨境電商,不能進行IVA retenciones (增值稅預扣申報)?
稅局系統改版后,申報系統中只有三個選項,分別是ISR retenciones por salarios(工資所得稅預扣),ISR retenciones por asimilados a salarios(與工資同化的所得稅預扣)和IVA retenciones(增值稅預扣)。
然而我們之前還有另外的申報窗口(具體可參照文章末尾申報回執比對)“IMPUESTO AL VALOR AGREGADO”(IVA增值稅)
而海外賣家(非居民企業)是銷售貨物給墨西哥當地人公司或者個人,因此,我們無法使用IVA retenciones (增值稅預扣)的方式申報墨西哥增值稅。
*注:如果一個公司接受在墨西哥有商業經營活動的個人提供的貨物或者服務。公司必須預提增值稅(增值稅16%中的三分之二)和CIT (ISR 10%),這意味著公司只需要支付6,751.40墨西哥比索。
??我們跨境墨西哥會計師關于IVA RETENCIONES 的相關引申稅法條款,解釋如下:
Article 10.-A- Taxpayers who fall into any of the following cases are obliged to withhold the tax transferred to them:
I. Are credit institution that acquire assets though dación en pago or judicial fiduciary adjudication;
它們是通過dación en pago或司法信義裁決獲得資產的信貸機構;
II. They are legal entities that:
a.Receive independent personal services, or temporarily use or enjoy goods provided or granted by natural persons, respectively
b Acquire waste to be used as an input for their industrial activity or for marketing.
e.Receive land transportation services for goods, provided by individuals or legal entities
d.Receive services provided by commission agents, when they are natural persons.
III. They are natural or legal persons who acquire tangible assets, or use or enjoy them temporarily, which they dispose of or grant to residents abroad without permanent establishment in the country.
In Mexico there are two types of taxable subjects. 1) Companies 2) People with business that are called "personas físicas"
1)公司;2)在墨西哥有商業經營活動的個人被稱為“personas físicas”。
Mexican companies are obligated to withhold IVA and CIT (ISR) for services received by personas físicas in Mexico. This withholding IVA and CIT are taxes from personas físicas NOT from companies.
墨西哥公司有義務為personas físicas在墨西哥接受的服務預扣IVA和ISR(企業所得稅)。這些預扣IVA和CIT(企業所得稅)是來自在墨西哥有商業經營活動的個人而不是來自墨西哥公司。
You may ask yourself: Why don't personas físicas pay their taxes by themselves? Because by Law the obligation to withhold and pay is from Mexican companies.
你可能會問自己:為什么personas físicas不自己納稅呢?因為根據法律,扣留和支付的義務是由墨西哥公司承擔的。
Also, SAT will ask for ISR withholding if companies only inform IVA. Because in this case both taxes are linked.
We are faced with the impossibility of paying VAT, due to the fact that the sat changed its declaration format, and exclusively allows filing VAT declarations to legal entities resident in Mexico. It omitted to consider that there are legal persons resident abroad without a permanent establishment in the country, who are obliged to pay this tax due to the fact of the sale that they carry out in the national territory.
Nos ha llevado muchos días acercarnos a las autoridades fiscalesmexicanas para encontrar soluciones y pueda nuevamentepresentar las declaraciones a las que estan obligados
Pedimos su comprensión ante este hecho que está fuera de nuestrocontrol.