
已收藏,可在 我的資料庫 中查看






- 刪除不合規(Against TOS)評價

- 刪除該買家賬號的所有評價

- 屏蔽該買家賬號在未來留評價。


Important Reminders





- Sock Puppet馬甲/小號/刷單用小號

- Personal Sock Puppets/個人用小號

- Paid Reviewers. Paid MO. Gift Card

- Ranking Abuse

- Veteran Customer Account Compromised (VCAC)


- 付費評審員. 付費MO. 禮品卡

- 排名濫用

- 退伍軍人客戶賬戶被破壞(VCAC)

Sock Puppet判定因素

- IP地址跟配送地址不匹配 e.g. IP在中國或俄羅斯,配送地址在美國

- 假地址,google 地圖找不到的地址,或者是公共建筑,非住宅、辦公室等(轉運地址除


- 賬號下過很少訂單,而且訂單里面有相當一部分是free items

- 極少登陸賬號,登陸賬號也只是為了留評價和下單

- 一般都買便宜的東西或者數字產品 ebook, music等

- 只購買數字產品或supplements. 或者經常被舉報的類目產品

- 經常給少評價的asin留評,尤其是該買家賬號留了少于100條評價的

Paid Reviewers判定因素

Something via compensation/reimbursement/discounted or free items



- Top Reviews (1-1000)Top Contributors/Enthusiasts,先warning,15日內還在


- 給二次機會,可以appeal




Related to Banned- PRMO 另外的情況


1. Acofrectly banned customer creates a new account to continue abusive review behavior(same MO)

2. Acofrecty banned customer will begin using an older established account to continue abusive review behavior (same MO)

3. Verify that the new customer is the same as the previously banned customer, and not a false positive, such as a family member or a husband/wife scenario.

4. Verify that the original enforcement action was correct.

5. in addition to being the same person, the new account should f some of the following


1. Review actively soon after the previous account was banned. or an increase in review activity on the New account after the ban

2. Reviewing the exact same or similar items as the previous account

3. Reviewing in similar product categories as the previous account

4. Similar star rating pattern as the previous account


- in the case that an account fs PR MO and related to banned, then ban for Related to banned.

- If a Top Reviewer/Enthusiast account meets the below criteria to be banned, please ban the account. You do not need to file a request on RADAR in this scenario.


1. 被正確禁止的客戶創建了一個新的賬戶,繼續濫用審查行為(相同的MO)。2. 被禁止的客戶將開始使用一個較早建立的賬戶,繼續濫用評論行為(相同的MO)。3..驗證新客戶是否與之前被禁止的客戶相同,而不是假的,如家庭成員或丈夫/妻子的情況。4. 驗證最初的執法行動是正確的。5.除了是同一個人,新賬戶還應該有以下一些特點

特征。1. 在前一個賬戶被禁止后不久就積極進行審查。或在禁止后新賬戶的審查活動增加。2. 審查與前一個賬戶完全相同或相似的項目3. 在與前一個賬戶類似的產品類別中進行評論4..與之前的賬戶有類似的星級評價模式注意:如果一個賬戶有公關行為,并且與被禁有關,那么該賬戶將被禁止使用。- 如果一個賬戶符合PR MO,并且與被禁賬戶相關,那么就以與被禁賬戶相關為由封禁。- 如果一個頂級評論員/發燒友賬戶符合以下被禁的標準,請禁止該賬戶。在這種情況下,你不需要在RADAR上提出申請。

Buyer-Seller Communication Abuse(BSC)


通過使用Compensation/discounted product來獲取評價的站內信

-Buyer initiated -ban賬號

- Seller initiated- buyer同意留評的,警告買家,第二次直接ban

Examples of abusive messages include: 不合規句子

- Is it possible to purchase this at a discounted rate and provide an unbiased review of the product?

-Let me offer your product to my reviewers at a discounted price. This can be done through issuing promo codes. (They know and all agree that they cannot share promo codes.) If you have products that you would be willing to offer free of charge, then we will gladly accept those too. What you will get in return: Some really great and honest reviews, maybe even some return customers or new customers, great communication between you and us.

- I am a product reviewer and I would love to test and review your backpack. I will post the review on Amazon as well as my own website. Please let me know if you can send me a promo code in exchange for an honest review.

- I am writing to you to see if you are interested in sending me the product so I can test its functions and quality. In exchange for you sending me the product, I will write a detailed review of your product's functionality, quality/durability, pros, and cons.

- I have a good opportunity for you, which is for me to write an honest review in exchange for the product listed below!

- I would like to review your Portable Bluetooth Speaker. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or would like to make arrangements.

- I would love to promote your product "B06XK21SJB" on my Amazon profile! Please contact me with the information in my attachment.


- 是否有可能以折扣價購買,并對產品進行無偏見的評論?-讓我以折扣價向我的評論員提供你的產品。這可以通過發放促銷代碼來實現。(如果你有愿意免費提供的產品,那么我們也將欣然接受。你將得到什么回報。一些真正偉大和誠實的評論,甚至可能是一些回頭客或新客戶,你和我們之間的良好溝通。- 我是一名產品評論員,我很愿意測試和評論你的背包。我將在亞馬遜以及我自己的網站上發布評論。請讓我知道你是否可以給我發送一個促銷代碼,以換取誠實的評論。- 我寫信給你,看你是否有興趣把產品寄給我,以便我可以測試其功能和質量。作為你給我發送產品的交換條件,我將對你的產品的功能、質量/耐用性、優點和缺點寫一篇詳細的評論。- 我有一個很好的機會,那就是讓我寫一篇誠實的評論,以換取下面列出的產品!- 我想評論一下你們的便攜式藍牙音箱。如果你有任何問題或想做出安排,請隨時給我發電子郵件。- 我很愿意在我的亞馬遜個人資料上推廣你們的產品 "B06XK21SJB"! 請用我附件中的信息與我聯系。非辱罵性信息的例子包括。

Examples of non-abusive messages include: 合規句子

-Hi, I am a YouTuber with a lot of subscribers. I would like to have a free sample of your product so l can make a video about it

-I have been reviewing products for many years. That's why Id like to ask you if you would like some help reviewing some of your products. I can post the reviews on my Facebook blog·

-I have a business inquiry for you guys. I just started a YouTube channel and I have 11.3k followers on Instagram. I would love to do a good review on your product. I will do it for free for a sample of your product. If interested, please respond; thank you.



Paid MO/ Gift Card


- 留評 15日內有gift card接收情況

- 如果能追查到賣家,連帶

Ranking Abuse

Ban the reviewer account and suppress all reviews with the reason code "Abuse-Paid Reviewer" and make account-level annotations with "Ranking abuse tied to Seller ID: (XYZ)" if the account meets the following criteria:

1. Real customer accounts with regular purchases (ie., does not fit PR MO). 2. Related customers with the same review pattern.

3. Reviews posted for sellers that have no relation to reviewers.

4. A number of consistently positive or negative reviews for the same seller.

i. If 4 or more reviews are posted within 7 calendar days on items from the same seller(s), it is considered ranking abuse.

ii. If less than 4 reviews are posted. do not take any reviewer or seller enforcement actions Account most likely fits SP MO or Personal SP MO if the account has less than 4 reviews and they are all for the same seller,

5. May or may not purchase the products that they review.



禁用評論員賬戶并抑制所有評論,原因代碼為 "濫用-付費評論員",并進行賬戶級注釋 "與賣家ID綁定的排名濫用。(XYZ)",如果該賬戶符合以下標準。1. 有定期購買的真實客戶賬戶(即不符合PR MO)。2. 具有相同評論模式的相關客戶。3. 為賣家發布的評論,與評論者沒有關系。4. 對同一賣家的一些持續的正面或負面評論。i. 如果在7個日歷日內對同一賣家的商品發布了4條或更多評論,則被視為濫用排名。ii. 如果發布的評論少于4條,不要采取任何審查員或賣家的執法行動 如果賬戶的評論少于4條,而且都是針對同一個賣家,那么賬戶很可能適合SP MO或個人SP MO。5. 可能或不可能購買他們評論的產品。

Veteran Customer Account Compromised VCAC


- 老號最近都沒有購買歷史,但給高風險的ASIN留評了

高風險產品定義: supplements, electronics accessories, digital books, etc

- 不尋常的錯位地址登陸

- 瀏覽行為改變

- 修改了email地址,電腦OS,或者其他登陸方式改變等

- 表現的有點像sock puppet

- 與其他不相關的賬號在登陸賬號的行為相似,ip地址,fp地址等

- 關聯賬號,例如 email首字母都相同.same patterns




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