( 數據來源:數據網站Statista)
MYTOYS Group的多個類別在2020年的增長率都高出了德國市場平均增長水平。其中積木類、益智類手工美術玩具、卡通人偶這些類別的增長率超過30%,高出市場總體水平幾倍之多!積木玩具這一小類不含稅銷售額超4300萬歐元。同樣也是受疫情和學校停課等因素影響,德國市場桌游&拼圖類玩具增長也尤其顯著。在上半年春夏季節,戶外玩具和運動用品如Scooter兒童滑板車、Trampoline蹦床、兒童自行車和旱冰鞋都是爆款產品。
(數據來源:MYTOYS Group)
中國賣家想要在德國這一高品質玩具、母嬰和家居市場搶占一席之地,消費需求高的圣誕季絕對是不容錯過的爆發時期。MYTOYS根據近兩年旗下兒童母嬰網站myToys.de 和 家居裝飾網站yomonda.de 的銷售數據總結和近期爆品經驗,為中國賣家提供選品指導,助力流量圣誕季:
(圖片來源:MYTOYS Group)
(圖片來源:MYTOYS Group)
(圖片來源:MYTOYS Group)
? Compliance with the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC
? CE 認證
? The EU Chemicals Regulation REACh (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; Regulation EC no. 1907/2006)
? amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) Code of Conduct
以下為平臺禁售產品列表(Blacklisted Products ),更多細節會在入駐合同中標明:
1. All products, services and transactions that are illegal or at least appear to be or become illegal, as well as all goods, materials, services and omissions which are likely to facilitate or encourage the provision and/or use of illegal goods and services including such products which could be misused for e.g. the manufacture of explosives or other than their intended purpose.
2. Drugs (any kind of narcotics, anaesthetics and intoxicants)
3. Goods and services that infringe property rights (e.g., counterfeit trademarks, services without a licence)
4. Providers of gambling (poker, bingo, betting, lotteries, raffles, sweepstakes, draws)
5. Pornography, escort services, prostitution, sex tourism
6. Providers of content glorifying violence or drugs (e.g., FSK18 or USK18 rated material)
7. Real estate
8. Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, etc.)
9. The distribution and/or marketing of products with unproven or questionable effects (diet products with unrealistic promises of efficacy, pills to increase intelligence, light therapy glasses, etc.)
10. Modchips (these allow to lift/circumvent certain copying, gaming and security restrictions implemented by manufacturers of, e.g., computers, game consoles)
11. Jammers (interfering transmitters/signal blockers for, e.g., radar, GPS, mobile phones, motor vehicle immobilisers, door locking systems)
12. Counterfeit identification documents (fake IDs)
13. Official documents and forms
14. Any (fire)arms and ammunition (including, in particular, automatic and semi-automatic handguns and rifles, side arms, etc.)
15. Trade in furs, leathers and skins, if they contravene the requirements of the Supplier Declaration on Sustainability, also including Uzbek cotton, feathers and down (permitted under certain conditions), angora wool or mohair, Australian sheep's wool and tropical woods without FSC? certification, fluorescent tubes
16. Travel packages without insolvency insurance
17. Unauthorized sub-acquisition
18. Sales promotion tours
19. Debt counselling
20. Timeshare providers (e.g. rental apartments)
21. Suppliers of likes
22. Money lending
23. Online consulting (business consultancy, law firms, ...)
24. Pay-per-call services (e.g. 0900 numbers)
25. Violent and “shoot'em-up" games (age-rated above FSK16)
26. Products related to the military
27. Discriminatory prints or content
28. Animal feed
29. Products without road traffic approval (where relevant and necessary)
30. Children’s products interpretable as sexist (e.g. children's high heels, push-up bras or thongs for children)
31. Products on which a baby and/or toddler is shown unclothed, including the face
32. Catering equipment, e.g. B2B supplies related to kitchen/household/living
33. Alcoholic beverages