
我在歐洲站上傳產品遇到一個問題, 出現這樣的提示: We have identified potential matches for the product you are trying to list in the Amazon Catalogue. Please review our ASIN creation policy at: https://sellercentral.amazon.com.....If your product is not listed in the Amazon catalogue and needs to be listed with a new ASIN, please contact Seller Support at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us and mention error code 5461.  我們上傳的這個產品,是別人的品牌的,我們是這個品牌制造商,有品牌授權書,但是不知道是否要在后臺提交了才能上傳這個產品。 
亚洲另类无码专区丝袜| 美女MM131爽爽爽| 美女露胸无遮挡无马赛克羞羞|